About Charter Schools


Victory Charter Schools is a tuition-free public charter school, but what exactly does that mean?

Charter Schools first opened in 1996. Since then, over 600 charter schools are operated in Florida. Charter schools are public schools of choice, and they have been a popular choice and have become among the fastest-growing school choice options in Florida. In Florida, the data shows that students in charter schools slightly outperform those of their district counterparts, but more importantly, as a choice school, charters are more attuned to family satisfaction and ‘customer service’. We know that we must provide a high-quality program, otherwise, parents will choose to move to another school.


Charter schools are independently operated

This means that while the district authorizes the school, it is not involved in the day-to-day operation of the school. The district oversees the charter to ensure students are safe and learning, but beyond that, the school is operated by the Governing Board. In Florida, Charter Schools must be operated by non-profit agencies. National Academic Educational Partners was incorporated in April, 2010 as a non-profit agency. We have been authorized by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) charity. Our Governing Board is made up of community members who believe in the power of effective and innovative educational techniques. All Governing Board meetings are held ‘in the sunshine’ meaning parents can attend the meetings, and all decisions and operations are public.


Charter Schools are Tuition-Free

As public schools, charter schools receive funding from the state, the same as traditional public schools do. However, charters do operate with fewer funds than traditional schools. First, the school districts keep 5% of the state funding on the first 250 students in order to pay for the costs of overseeing the school. In addition, charter schools are not eligible for the same capital or local tax monies that traditional schools are. The money flows directly to the school based on the student enrollment, and then the Governing Board establishes an annual budget to meet the specific educational needs of the students enrolled at the school.


Charter Schools Are Held To The Same Accountability Standards as Traditional Schools

In fact, one could make the case that charter schools are held more accountable than their traditional counterparts. Charter schools must base their educational program on the Florida Standards in English Language Arts and Mathematics as well as the Next Generation Sunshine State Standards. Charter schools must administer the Florida Standards Assessment and other state-required assessments, just like traditional schools. The results are released and schools are graded just like traditional schools. If charter schools fail to perform the district can close charter schools for failure to meet the academic standards. State statutes indicate that if a school fails two years in a row the school must be closed down. These same academic standards do not exist for traditional public schools.


Charter Schools Are Responsible To Family Needs

As indicated above, as a school of choice, we realize parents choose to attend our school and also can choose to leave. Therefore, every day it is our goal to provide high-quality customer service experience for families. We focus on effective communication with families and providing additional support and assistance to students.

Victory Charter School K-5 Educational Focus


The educational focus of the school is based on the utilization of scientifically researched instructional practices together with technology taught by highly qualified instructors to meet the needs of students with different learning styles and abilities.

  1. High-quality curriculum materials are used to achieve the educational goal

2. Rigorous and interactive learning environment

3. Project-Based Learning [PBL]:

  • Lessons based on open-ended driving question or challenge
  • Essential content and skills
  • Inquiry-based learning
  • Critical thinking, problem-solving, collaboration, and various forms of communication
  • Student voice and choice
  • Teacher and student feedback
  • Publicly presented product or performance

4. Character development and ethics instruction are strong components in the overall program of the School. Improving both the academic and emotional lives of students, helping them to become more confident individuals.

5. Using proven strategies, conducted by teachers, guidance counselors, parent education through orientation and PTSA meetings, assemblies, and daily morning announcements messages. Faculty and staff members dedicated to teaching principles, which are being emphasized into everyday interactions with students.
In order to support our staff and Board in implementing the best possible program, we have contracted with National Academic Educational Partners as the management company to assist with our school operations.

In order to support our staff and Board in implementing the best possible program, we have contracted with National Academic Educational Partners as the management company to assist with our school operations.

Victory Charter School Mission Statement


Awaken and develop the socially responsible, technologically literate, and self-motivated leader within ALL students via an innovative, internationally focused, and student-centered curriculum that challenges students intellectually, creatively, and personally in a nurturing and safe environment that promotes the development of the total child so that they can be successful in an interconnected global community.